Saturday 18 August 2012

Chasing a blue dream in Turkey -- Day 1.5

Since I forgot to update my blog yesterday, think I'll just combine these two days.

I arrived at Istanbul around 5.00 pm in Turkish time zone on 17th. So far, I've visited most of the famous places of the city. Blue mosque, my favorite and some temples and palaces. I can't remember those names. I did the cruise and climbed to the highest point of the city for some pics today. Quite tired for a whole day walking.

I pretty like the city actually. There are loads of meat. Costs are cheaper than Europe. I found good high platforms for taking pics. I'll share my favorite two pics in Istanbul at the end of this blog.

In ads and songs, this is a country of blue color. But I haven't found anything related to it. Maybe I need more time to find out. Or maybe it's a country of white color with a sweaty Max in my mind.

I will keep uploading about my trip and drinking more water. Need to catch a night train tmr. Later! :)