Sunday, 29 April 2012

My first blog

2012. 4. 2, Sagrada familia, Barcelona

I was not into writing something down in the past. But now I realize how beautiful words are and the happiness of sharing my experience with others. 

Let me start with one of my favorite pictures. Although I prefer to directly use the original pictures from my camera rather than retouch them afterwards,  this time I couldn't help trying this HDR technique when I saw a set of pictures in a photographier's blog. 

I must admit that Sagrada familia is the most gorgeous church and building I've ever seen in my life. Every detail of it is a piece of eye-catching design. I still can't get it why a man, named Antoni Gaudi, living in 18th century was capable to design a building even much more complicated than nowadays' constructions. The designer was died in 1926 and people carried on his work until now. Hopefully, it will be finished in 2025. That means I still have change to have a look at the completed Sagrada familia before I die. I was absolutely surprised. Nothing of it is vertical and balanced both inside and outside. It is totally beyond my imagination that so many designs on the earth can consist in one single thing. I don't know if it's proper to call it a building, a church, a museum or a piece of art. Maybe that why it's said that the devil is in details. 

Glad I finally have a hobby of photography, apart from playing computer games. And indeed I love the way to record my travel and my daily life.

Time to get back to my coursework.